Standing in the queue for things I already bought. I get told to go downstairs. On the way I pick up trousers way too big and the wrong kind of weave for me or anyone over 30. They stretch but in all the wrong places. I wonder if stretch is a good thing. Maybe we look better with structure. It fits us in. It creates a beautiful shape. Who wouldn’t want that through life and in their writing?
So I return to the rules of grammar. The ultimate structure. A subject at the start of a sentence is a commitment. Whatever the verb in that sentence is, this is what is done to the subject. I realize I can be too fancy. This is my second reason for putting the brown cord ruffled trousers back in the hanger.
I go to the till downstairs to pick up my shopping. I read through what I have written. I have learnt about the need for structure today and also broken that structure in the paragraphs above.
Maybe you have to learn to rules to break them cleanly. That is what Zara taught me about writing