Systems Thinking

How people feel like new year (love or loathe it) seems to be how people feel about resolutions.

They can make or break a year and here is why.

One of the reasons we don’t set goals is because we are afraid of failing.

It doesn’t have to be like that if your goal is purpose lead.

After reading this post you will have a plan to take you to where you need to be.

Look into your heart to see closely what you want. This may not feel easy at first but odds are you already know the answer. Be aware of this question when you are in the middle of calm, serene situations. Reflect on who you are and what makes you happy.

Focus on the true aim of your activities.

Be open to what you want shifting and changing. Let the goal be what it is.

In order to step into a win win goal setting scenario, find a goal that is grounded in your day to day activity. If you are improving your blogging skills your goal could be more visitors to your site.

Write down you goal so it is crystal clear. Picture the outcome. Feel it in your bones and on the surface of your skin and through your breath.

Next you need to build in a few factors to your goal. These are the three steps that will take you there.

  • Be courageous about the path required. There is no ladder to the top, claim the high ground you need to make your goal real. Act like you got it already.
  • You have to do this. It is unlikely to just land in your lap. Be realistic about the effort you need to put in. Separate the process of achieving your goal with the actual process of working for it or preparing it. Write down the exact path you need to achieve it, however short or long. Revisit this and fine tune it as you get further down the road.
  • Look back at the words and image you had at the point of writing down your goal. Stay crystal clear about the details.

Now you have understood how these three action points can make a big difference you may want to change how you go for your big prize.

Let go of your expectations and put one foot in front of the other.

Be the brightest version of yourself.

The world needs your magic.

Now that you realise your uniqueness and how much the planet needs your message you may find it easier to dive in with your best work.

Here’s to your success.


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